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8 posts• Page 1 of 1
- Bill Bentley
- Posts: 439
- Joined: Thu Dec 26, 2019 6:40 pm
- Location: Spain
- Service details: 1970 - JLR RAC, 14/20KH, Para Sqn RAC, 14/20KH, Hereford, 14/20KH, 2 Para, DLOY - 1990.
- Real name: Martin William Lester Bentley (Bill) (Basha !)
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Postby Bill Bentley »
l feel no elation in that Donald Trump has won. But, at least it was a resounding victory and so should calm divisions over there.
All the same it's worrying that so many US citizens still live in the Stone Age with regards to Abortion.
It won't take long to find out how Trump intends to stop the War in the Ukraine. Ther are only two options: fight or sacrifice the Ukraine.
Where then will this leave Europe ?
Already the utterly useless German government is crumbling,
We Brits might think that we will be better off outside of a soon to be disintrigating EU, but our British government supported the Ukraine, so what next ?
The bombs might stop falling, but the crisis will grow ever deeper for us. The Russians will want compensation for their losses. At the same time they will retain 'the bread basket of europe' and individual nations will again turn to Moscow for their energy. Russia will grow from strengh to strength.
Still, all of this is better than moving into WWIII !
lf there is one good side to all of this madness it is that common decency might return to society and the LBGT league will again return to behind closed doors
We shall seen we shall see.
- Arnie
- Posts: 297
- Joined: Sun Dec 29, 2019 12:42 pm
- Location: Western Australia
- Service details: Enlisted in 14th/20th King's Hussars on 2 Feb 1959.
Served Hohne and Rheindahlen 1959 - 1962
Libya 1962 Cyprus with C Sqn Dec 1963 - Feb 1964. Returned to Benghazi
then to Tripoli with B Sqn until Sep 1964. Left for Courses in NBC then to 7 Armoured Brigade till 1967.
Transferred to Intelligence Corps 67. First posting to Northern Ireland 67 - 70.
Singapore 70 - 71, Hong Kong 71 - 72. NI 72 - 74. NITAT (Northern Ireland Training and Advisory Team) 74 - 76. Berlin 76 - 79. Final Posting, Preston Int and Security Section. Stupidly Retired on 1 Feb 81, and emigrated to Australia. - Real name:
- x 6
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Postby Arnie »
Hi Yall,
Sorry Bill, I do feel elation about the Election, but would cast doubt about the size of the win calming things down, remember these are "Democrats" we are talking about. Would agree with you about their attitude on abortion, though it is a good example of the Democrats lying. Trump NEVER said he is against it, but that the choice will be made at the State level where it always was and NOT at the Federal level.
Surely there are more ways of stopping wars, I go more with Trumps idea of Tariffs. Good example of the power of these sort of measures is John Deere, tractors. Although the CEO (Salary: $15.5M) of John Deere is fighting it, the threat of tariffs is making it hard for them. (The company plan is to build a factory in Mexico, with all the US jobs losses implied and import them into US). Trump has threatened to slap a 200% tariff on them. I am pretty sure who will win! With other potential adversaries, with Americas huge market, Tariffs sounds pretty sensible to me.
As for his, reported, other suggestions, one I have doubts about. US withdrawal from NATO! Wouldn't that make some countries stop and think.
Your comment about the Russians wanting compensation for their losses, what about Ukraine losses? The Russians did, after all attack them!
I wonder though, how long it will take Donald to reinstate the pipeline Bumbling Biden stopped on his first day in office. Also this would mean 'Fracking' recommences. American reliance on buying from outside means, for their own energy, they would be self-sufficient. One very critical promise kept.
Stay safe and well
Arnie and Brenda
- Arnie
- Posts: 297
- Joined: Sun Dec 29, 2019 12:42 pm
- Location: Western Australia
- Service details: Enlisted in 14th/20th King's Hussars on 2 Feb 1959.
Served Hohne and Rheindahlen 1959 - 1962
Libya 1962 Cyprus with C Sqn Dec 1963 - Feb 1964. Returned to Benghazi
then to Tripoli with B Sqn until Sep 1964. Left for Courses in NBC then to 7 Armoured Brigade till 1967.
Transferred to Intelligence Corps 67. First posting to Northern Ireland 67 - 70.
Singapore 70 - 71, Hong Kong 71 - 72. NI 72 - 74. NITAT (Northern Ireland Training and Advisory Team) 74 - 76. Berlin 76 - 79. Final Posting, Preston Int and Security Section. Stupidly Retired on 1 Feb 81, and emigrated to Australia. - Real name:
- x 6
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Postby Arnie »
Hi again,
Now that's a Commander in Chief! Just watched him, personally, announce, that he wants the resignation ANYONE in tthe DOD who had anything to do with the organisation of the withdrawal from Afghanistan on his desk by 12 Noon on the day of his inauguration.
JD Vance also told the media the 50 Chiefs of Intelligence Agencies who signed the letter about the Russian Collusion HOAX will be charged.
Waiting in eager anticipation of the next couple of months developements!!!
- Bill Bentley
- Posts: 439
- Joined: Thu Dec 26, 2019 6:40 pm
- Location: Spain
- Service details: 1970 - JLR RAC, 14/20KH, Para Sqn RAC, 14/20KH, Hereford, 14/20KH, 2 Para, DLOY - 1990.
- Real name: Martin William Lester Bentley (Bill) (Basha !)
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Postby Bill Bentley »
at the end of the day l really couldn't give a toss about what goes on in the USA.
lt's what they do that affects me, my family, friends, my country, even bloody Europe that gets up my nose.
As l see things, throughout my life, so l am an eye wittness, the yanks have stirred up more shit than anybody else !
They have caused more misery, suffering and death in this world than any other nation on earth.
As for Trump, l wouldn't even want him in my troop, we would definately have been opponents. He is an arrogent, bullying pig and frankly l always expected more of my officers and l expect to willingly salute my C.O., not duck out of the way whenever he passes.
I don't doubt that he will take revenge on anyone that ever opposed him, that's the type of person is.
I should be happy if he would prove me wrong, but l gave up believing in miricles a long, long time ago.
- john kerwin
- Posts: 272
- Joined: Thu Dec 26, 2019 8:39 am
- Location: morecambe
- Service details: A sqn 14/20th Kings Hussars, 5th Troop and SHQ Troop. 1962 to 1966/7 and 2nd RTR, Benghazi tripoli cyprus perham down and omagh Ni
- Real name:
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Postby john kerwin »
Well said Bill.
All I can say, is GOD SAVE US ALL. That man could put an end to mankind.
And the team he is setting up, is full of nut jobs
. who don't believe the Earth is warming up, at an alarming rate
And they want to use more coal, oil and gas. Just look at the floods in Spain, Australia and south America. The rise in sea levels, The melting Artic ice caps. But its nowt to do with the use of these fuels. or any other human activity. But then again Mr T knows best ????
Like I said GOD SAVE US ALL.
- Arnie
- Posts: 297
- Joined: Sun Dec 29, 2019 12:42 pm
- Location: Western Australia
- Service details: Enlisted in 14th/20th King's Hussars on 2 Feb 1959.
Served Hohne and Rheindahlen 1959 - 1962
Libya 1962 Cyprus with C Sqn Dec 1963 - Feb 1964. Returned to Benghazi
then to Tripoli with B Sqn until Sep 1964. Left for Courses in NBC then to 7 Armoured Brigade till 1967.
Transferred to Intelligence Corps 67. First posting to Northern Ireland 67 - 70.
Singapore 70 - 71, Hong Kong 71 - 72. NI 72 - 74. NITAT (Northern Ireland Training and Advisory Team) 74 - 76. Berlin 76 - 79. Final Posting, Preston Int and Security Section. Stupidly Retired on 1 Feb 81, and emigrated to Australia. - Real name:
- x 6
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Postby Arnie »
Hi Yall,
We will see!
In the coming months and years, followed by another 8 years when JD takes over
- Arnie
- Posts: 297
- Joined: Sun Dec 29, 2019 12:42 pm
- Location: Western Australia
- Service details: Enlisted in 14th/20th King's Hussars on 2 Feb 1959.
Served Hohne and Rheindahlen 1959 - 1962
Libya 1962 Cyprus with C Sqn Dec 1963 - Feb 1964. Returned to Benghazi
then to Tripoli with B Sqn until Sep 1964. Left for Courses in NBC then to 7 Armoured Brigade till 1967.
Transferred to Intelligence Corps 67. First posting to Northern Ireland 67 - 70.
Singapore 70 - 71, Hong Kong 71 - 72. NI 72 - 74. NITAT (Northern Ireland Training and Advisory Team) 74 - 76. Berlin 76 - 79. Final Posting, Preston Int and Security Section. Stupidly Retired on 1 Feb 81, and emigrated to Australia. - Real name:
- x 6
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Postby Arnie »
Tim will tell
- Pinky
- Posts: 479
- Joined: Thu Dec 26, 2019 11:31 am
- Location: Alberta, Canada
- Service details: 1979 JLR RAC. 14/20H then that other regiment. 1979-2003
- Real name:
- x 28
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Postby Pinky »
The American people have spoken.
Its their bed let them lay in it.
Now we wait and see how it affects us all, Canada is shixxing itself.
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